Vulnerability and How It Inspires Authenticity

Vulnerability is beautiful.

In vulnerability there is a letting go, a surrendering to yourself and the turmoil that is inside of you. When you tap into this soft pool of vulnerability, you begin to unleash the free child within.

We are taught that vulnerability is a weakness when we are young . We are taught to fit in, to be liked, to do as others do, even if it goes against what we feel is right. This makes most of us conform to this weird reality of “fitting in” because we are all SO scared of being isolated.

This fear of isolation is in our DNA. We are pack animals. We lived in community since day 1, and in the beginning if you were rejected from your community.. you were dead.

So no wonder why we all do crazy things to fit into our unrealistic society.

The beauty about this realization, is that it is not the truth. We do not need everyone to like us to survive. In fact, we are more likely to T H R I V E if we are living in our truth and being vulnerable. Furthermore, vulnerability allows us to create a smaller pocket of community, that really understands us.

So how do we start this process of unlocking our truest nature?

V U L N E R A B I L I T Y and P A I T E N C E

Unlocking your vulnerability is the secret key to the door of the life you want to be living. This is because living a vulnerable life is living a life of truth and authenticity.

It is R A W

It is B E A U T I F U L

and it is Y O U

Now just like anything, being vulnerable takes practice. You are going to feel like a fish out of water a time or two, before it feels like your natural state.

And that is O K.

To be vulnerable is to show up in your purest form. It is quieting your inner critic, so you can truly speak from your heart and create from your soul.

Being vulnerable is not worrying about how others will perceive you in this form. It is a dance you waltz with yourself as you weave in and out with honey dripping from your fingertips.

To practice this you can start by doing things that challenge you everyday.

You can start small. For example, giving a stranger a sincere compliment, or blasting music in your car.

Whatever you decide to do, make sure it scares you just a little bit.

Challenging these fears inside of us that tell us we need to “fit in”, is that fastest way to break out and open into vulnerability.

Furthermore, another helpful tool to unlock your truest form is confident self-talk.

While you are doing these things that scare you, say things to yourself like, “I am safe to be myself”, “I will be met by supportive, loving people”.

Then you are starting to change the story in your head, and if you change this story while doing something that scares you… that leads to fast growth!

Vulnerability is a softening to yourself and those around you, so your petals burst out to touch the sun, without a thought or care.

So give this gift to yourself. This gift of vulnerability.

It is awaiting you at every corner. In every waking day, in every interaction you have with another, you have a choice.

Choose Y O U

Brené Brown has a Ted Talk about vulnerability, and she talks about it in the most captivating way. Click here to watch the Ted Talk.

Vulnerability is like this flower. Soft, but open fiercely to the world with truth and beauty.

Be so vulnerable that you allow others to laugh at you if they so please.

or not understand what you are saying or doing.

Start to be so vulnerable that people might tell you that you are wrong because you are SPEAKING without trying to be understood.

If people do not understand you, guess what, IT WONT MATTER.

Because when you show up in the PURE vulnerable authenticity that is you…

You are C R E A T I N G.

You are allowing your love to shine brighter than your fear.

Why would you hide your truth from yourself?

Showing up and being in this raw space is scary and you might think that no one will be on your side..

But do not fall into that trap.

Think thoughts that people will support you, and that they will be stoked for you.

Because the right people will.

You are so suported on this journey.

Don’t give up your brain space to assumptions that you make about what others may think.

U S E your brain space for picturing your life unfolding perfectly, and you supported and loved on your journey.

I get it. It is scary to put yourself out there in such a soft way.

But softness is strength.

Push yourself away from the fear of potential failure, and towards the soft space of acceptance and love.

You are worthy of being seen and heard.

You are worthy and deserving of love and support.

The right people will listen and see you.

To unlock more self love and joy click here to read my post on releasing limiting beliefs so you can blossom into your best self.

Now how can you show up with more vulnerability today?

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  1. Really good work on your blog, this post stands out and shows the work you are putting into this great blog project. Kombo for the win and way to be vulnerable each new day. I saw how much strength it took for you to do the Kombo and how well it is serving your this spongy mind.. Thank you for posting blogs like this to shine light on people’s path to greater understanding and healthy living!!

  2. I love this post. Thank you

  3. Brilliant! Your words speak to the softer side of me. While reading I had handfuls of thoughts, mostly the unhelpful ones, melting away. Thank you for helping me make room for feeling more of me! <3

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