Are You Living in The Past? Read This: How To Let Go

Are you living in the past? Are you holding onto memories that are keeping you stuck?

This is really common. As Dr. Joe Dispenza says, how can we expect a different future if we are always living through the eyes of our familiar past?

Now, I know I sure have and still do find myself reliving memories. I’ve found that I do this more when I put myself out there. It can be paralyzing.

I am reminded of the times that I was put down, made fun of, hurt, hurt someone else, etc. And these memories have stopped me in my tracks and made me wonder if I was “good enough” to do what I am doing.

So often when we begin to feel good about who we are, doubt will creep in and try to trick us back into hiding.

But I am here to remind you to not let fear or any painful memory keep you from living today.

It is time to release these fears and memories, no matter what they are. You are deserving of living a beautiful, vibrant life today.

You are human my dear child and a bumpy road is a part of the journey.

What To Do When Those Fears Arise:

When those fears and past memories come up, I encourage you to stop and breathe through them. Abraham Hicks says you need to let the momentum of the thought fade away. One way that we can do this is by shifting our focus.

We all have an inner voice. And sometimes that voice is of criticism and pain. Start to recognize when that voice is taking control. Say “hi” to it. You could even give it a name like Sah’d Simone says to do.

Recognize that this voice is separate from you, it is not your truth. It is a voice that is fueled by fear. Put your hand on your heart and breathe into the anxiety, sadness, fear and the voice will eventually leave. You just have to switch your focus off of it and onto something else with a gentle kindness towards yourself.

Shift your focus onto something in your present experience, like a tree, or what you are hearing. No matter how strong the feeling is, if you continue to shift your focus onto something else, it will eventually loosen its grip. Even if the voice is still their in the background, be proud of yourself for taking steps. It WILL get easier, I promise you.

After you disconnect by shifting your focus and breathing into any tension. You can gently repeat to yourself a neutral mantra. This could be something simple like “I am safe”. Whatever it is let yourself feel into your words and believe them. At first it might be hard, but I encourage you to stick with it.

Remind yourself that you are enough and you have always been enough, even if you haven’t seen it. Remind yourself that you are worthy of celebration, joy, and love. Remind yourself that you are brave, strong, and capable of putting yourself out there.

If you want more reading on letting go, click here.

Sent Off With a Love Note

The more we change our relationship with these memories that carry shame, guilt, and fear, the more we step into our P O W E R. Those memories and beliefs that have kept us small start to dissipate when we allow ourselves to let go and let in love.

Remember to be gentle with yourself and make sure to give yourself actual physical kisses. I like to kiss my knees or my shoulders. It is a beautiful reminder that you have your own back and you are standing here with a big loving heart for yourself.

Click here if you want more tips on how to get validation from yourself instead of giving your power away to others.

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