I have been studying what I call holistic mental health for the last 10 years but I came out of the womb a very deep, emotional ball of feelings. Extremely empathetic, always feeling everything more than others and being really affected by that as a little girl.

I couldn’t see someone in pain without crying, I just felt EVERYTHING. I learned from a young age that my worth was in what I looked like and that a nice man would come along and take care of me. So as you can imagine, I decided this meant I was unsafe without this man. So I SEARCHED for this man and settled for things that I really didn’t like because I thought I needed this man for me to be safe. Mix that logic with the partying and drinking that you get into after high school and I was making some interesting decisions romantically that left me feeling really lost and hopeless.

I was pretty tired of my shit so I stopped drinking at age 20 and dove deep into a spiritual/mental health school where I started sitting in meditation for hours at a time. I dove deep into my subconscious and found all the ways I was looking outside myself for all the things I so desperately craved. I started to learn what it meant to love myself, like actually love myself. Not some surface shit. Love ALL the things that I’ve done that have made me cringe, all the ways I feel like I showed up less then, and starting finally giving myself some GRACE for being human. I spent 6 years at this school, meditating and getting to know myself fucking deeply. Learning tools that radically changed my life.

I went from someone who was honestly scared of people hugging to me to the person who holds people for an awkwardly long amount of time (and stares into their eyes while doing it haha)

I went from someone whose insecurity would keep her from communicating with potential romantic interests out of fear of rejection to someone who really isn’t that afraid of rejection anymore. I went from someone who couldn’t be alone and always had to have someone she was talking too, to someone who only wants to talk to man If they add value to her life.

I went from someone so sexually small and confused, ashamed of my sexuality to someone who thinks her sexuality is insanely beautiful and she gets to choose who gets access to it on a deeper level.

I went from someone who bleached and straightened her hair and wore tight clothes because she hated the way she naturally looked to someone who doesn’t wear makeup and feels confident in a any type of clothing

It honestly boggles my mind to think of the woman I was 10 years ago. I didn’t know anyone would ever love me, I didn’t see MY value. On top of that, I was unhealthy, I had hormonal breakouts, was slightly chubby and uncomfortable in my skin and I just was empty of LIFE.

I was HIGHLY insecure and didn’t even realize it. I just didn’t know how much I needed to dive into my heart, but my body, skin, and emotions were showing it, I just didn’t realize.

The other things I gained from this school were endless, I could talk about it for hours. And it sparked a fire in me to learn all I could about what it means to radically accept yourself.

What IS self-love. None of this bubble bath BS, but like what does it look like to KNOW and radiate it, from the depths of your being? 

So my journey continues. After that school I went and got my BS in biology to make my parents proud and because I love science. Then I went to the Institute of Integrative Nutrition and became a certified Holistic Health Coach. I learned so many gems in that program and it just deepened my understanding and desire of what it means to be truly healthy – mind, body, and spirit. 

You CAN learn what radically self-acceptance means, you can learn how to radiate that sense of safety and self love from the depths of your being, and you CAN learn to absolutely love the life you are living and create your wildest dreams to come true. 

If this sounds like you, support is the first step. Allow yourself to show up for yourself. Invest in your life, you deserve the best possible life. Now what are you waiting for? 

Now my coaching style is unique because it is not a one-size-fits-all approach. I have studied many different modalities over the last 10 years and use a bit of them, depending on what you need.

-I currently offer two programs-

1st Program: Radical Acceptance and Becoming the Most Radiant, Beautiful YOU

Who is it for?

Teaching women how to love that little girl they started hating at a young age.

Looking in the mirror and pinching their fat, wondering when they will look like the women in the magazines. Wondering when a boy will love them — how could they? With all this fat, this hair, this body, this person. How would they love this? I must change.

The woman who has found herself constantly comparing her beauty to other women. Seeing all these women and how “smart”, “beautiful”, “thin”, “fit”, “cool” they are but never seeing that in herself.

The woman who wants to feel actually beautiful. The one who is curious what that would feel like. To walk into a room and feel so confident that she would twirl around the room, not caring what anyone else thought about it

For the woman who wants to DANCE. Like actually feeling the freedom of letting go of how other people view her, and embodying the sexiest, most confident version of herself

For the woman who want to feel confident around men and ask for what they want in a relationship and sexually. So they can deserve more pleasure, and better, more fulfilling relationships.

For the woman who wants to understand herself better, sit with her emotions and learn how to change her mind and what she thinks about herself and her life.

For the woman who is tired of being constantly anxious and wants to regulate her nervous and live a JOYFUL LIFE

What will you GAIN?

  • The program is intimate 1-1 calls with me.
  • We start by doing some deep dives into you. 
  • I want to learn all about you, where you are, and where you want to be. 
  • I will teach you about shadow work, and we will start identifying the subconscious limiting beliefs you have toward yourself and your life.
  • I will help you explore your thought patterns, emotions, various situations in your life to better understand yourself and heal/release old patterns of belief that aren’t serving you. 
  • I will teach you how to meditate ( which is the fast track to chaining these subconscious beliefs and “manifestation”).
  • I will teach you how to regulate your nervous system (the right way), not some outdated way that has you holding onto techniques for survival.
  • I will lead you through powerful visualizations to help you tap into your inner child and learn to love that little girl you started disapproving at some age 
  • I will teach you powerful somatic practices and let you express your emotions in a safe way. (Think us shaking our bodies together and being weirdos — but very free HOT and cool weirdos :D) 
  • I will hold a very non-judgmental free space for you to be yourself, feel seen, and heard, and give a voice to your fears and the scared parts inside of you. 
  • If needed: I will share information about holistic nutrition, skincare, and other avenues of holistic health to get you to becoming THE BEST YOU. 
  • I will teach you all the self-love, and radical self-acceptance tools that have TRANSFORMED my life so they can TRANSFORM yours. WE GONNA HEAL BABY!!!

Remembering the pain of that little girl is why I do what I do now. I see so many women hiding behind a mask because they haven’t learned that what they were searching for, has always been inside of them, and when they learn to unlock that, then their reality reflects their deepest desires as a result.

If this sounds like something you want, book a free 15-minute call with me below to learn more and we can chat about your goals.

The Second Program I Offer is:

Healing your Anxiety (general and disordered)

Who is it for?

I have been there. I have been searching for cures for my anxiety, feeling stuck, hopeless, and not knowing how to be truly healthy. I let my anxiety run my life and take over dating, confidence, joy, and how I would treat my body and health.

The woman who is having anxiety run her life. She is super anxious about dating, about the future, about what she eats, and pretty much everything.

She may have extreme intrusive thoughts that really scare her about the future

She may have a hard time making plans because she is scared to leave her house because she doesn’t know how she will feel around those people and the new place.

She rarely does anything out of her comfort zone because she is scared of feeling anxious

She is terrified of the anxiety feeling, and does everything to avoid it.

She is scared of caffeine, gluten, or other things she may eat that MIGHT make her anxious

She may have panic attacks quite often – daily, weekly, monthly

and more:

Now listen, my experience with anxiety has been a LONG road. But one I can confidently say I don’t worry about that much anymore. I was an anxious little girl, I would constantly have nightmares and make sure all the doors and windows were locked when I would go to bed. I always thought my parents were gonna die, and I was terrified to leave them — so I didn’t. I slept with them till 6th grade 🙂 hehe then in my adult life, I started having occasional panic attacks and intense hypochondria where I would go into a Google bubble researching all my symptoms until I swore I had every disease known to man and I probably had 3 minutes to live. During that time, I was also dating a toxic partner who had a drinking problem so I started having panic attacks thinking about him dying. It was a mess. But I would always make my way out of it with more and more clarity. Until one day I had an INTENSE panic attack that rocked things for me. From that day forward for the next year, I developed Panic Disorder. I had daily panic attacks and basically, my nervous system was on EDGE every second of the day.

I was in CONSTANT fear. I couldn’t handle any amount of stress. I thought I was going to be that way forever, and I didn’t think I could handle that. I stopped drinking coffee ( I love coffee), stopped eating gluten, and stopped doing ANYTHING that would make me feel the feeling of anxiety because I was TERRIFIED of feeling anxious. It would trigger the most uncomfortable symptoms. I thought I was losing my mind. MY thoughts constantly raced and made no sense (high adrenaline) and basically, it was an extremely challenging year. BUT I took that time to learn even more about anxiety. I dove into researching people like Shaan Kassam ( Bye Bye Panic ), reading the book “Hope and Help For Your Nerves”, and just diving into understanding WHAT IS ANXIETY. And BOY OH BOY I am so happy I did that. I realized I didn’t really ever understand anxiety and although in the past I would get myself out of it with grounding practices, meditation, etc I was just dealing with the symptoms and not really HEALING the anxiety. Also, I found out that my nervous system got REALLY sensitized which is why I was SO uncomfortable and having crazy symptoms I never had before. 

So I healed my way out of that and now have a really amazing understanding of what anxiety is, where it comes from, and how to heal a sensitized nervous system and heal disordered anxiety relationships. 

What will you get out of this Anxiety Program? 

  • Group Coaching (if we have at least 3 people) or 1-1 coaching
  • A call once a week to help you feel validated, and heard, and ask questions about specifics on your anxiety healing journey. All the “am I normal” questions, and being validated in your anxiety journey ( this is HUGE and something that would have made me heal SO MUCH FASTER) 
  • A guide about regulating your nervous system and how to heal anxiety. ( what to do when anxiety pops its head and how to change your relationship to anxiety forever) 
  • I will teach you how to regulate your nervous system (the right way), not some way that has you holding onto techniques for survival 
  • Teaching you about meditation and different exercises to regulate your nervous system 
  • I will help you explore your thought patterns, emotions, and various situations in your life to better understand yourself and heal/release old patterns of belief that aren’t serving you. 
  • Have messaging support from me M-F during business hours to send voice notes, texts, etc if you are struggling and need someone to talk to.

If this sounds like something you want, book a free 15-minute call with me below to learn more and we can chat about your goals.