How Do You Speak To Yourself? A Love Letter

Words of love. They roll off my tongue. When I describe a plant. When I describe you. How quick I am to speak these words of love to you but when it comes to me …I pick ones that are dusty, old, and lack breath.

How is this fair? The same sunshine that kisses their cells, also kiss mine.

The wind that caresses their body, takes it time to brush my cheek.

The way their flowers shimmer as they are being admired, cause the same dimples in my cheek when I smile.

You see now love, you are no different than the things you admire.

You are just as beautiful

Just as important

And when you allow yourself to be kissed by the elements, you’ll start to taste the sweetness in each breath.

You’ll linger with each laugh.


You have always been extraordinary, even when the rain stayed for what feels like an eternity.

The waters eventually clear and you are left with an abundance of flowers and a scent so fresh it wakes up hibernators from their slumber.

So next time you start to admire something you love, take a minute to admire the eyes that are admiring.

You are everything you have ever needed and wanted.

You are the sun that wakes up the sleepy rose buds

and the moon that sings them to sleep.


We do not judge the flower when it chooses not to bloom that day,

give yourself the same grace.

Holding your heart as you whisper sweet words of love to it.


Now dance and sing and share your joy with the bees.

Or hold yourself and feel the support of the world at your feet.

whatever you do, I ask of you this:

Take your time when you put on your shoes today, admire those feet that carry you miles.

And when you eat, put your hand on your belly and thank it for its tireless work.

And last but not least, kiss a part of your body with a softness so sweet it allows relaxation to fill you up to the brim.

Dear oh dear, now the next time you go to use your words of love.

Start with one word…

For yourself.

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